Dear Parents, Children Learn kindness from you. Act accordingly.

Your children are watching your every move. The way you interact with your spouse, friends, family, and neighbors. Our children are like sponges, they absorb everything we put out, therefore it is so important to watch what we are releasing into their minds. Being that healthy filter for them is essential to instilling positive personality traits such as kindness, compassion, understanding, and a giving heart towards others.


How can we achieve these goals? Through our words and actions. When you child sees you do an act of kindness, take initiative, stand up for what you believe, and be proactive towards a cause you become more than a parent, you become a healthy role model who they will want to grow up and follow. Being a parent/role model is so much more important than just “getting through” the growth process of your child. Wouldn't you want your child to look back and say “My mom really taught me that giving back, and showing compassion for others was extremely important.” By setting forth a range of motion like this you are not only affecting your child, but also generations to come from your own family! 

How can we do this? Start by taking your child to places where volunteer work is needed. It can be as small as picking up trash in the park behind your house. It may seem small but you are gradually allowing your child to know that trash in the park is not correct and could affect other kids from playing safe, or harming the wildlife. Once they see the reason behind these small gestures they can grow their skills in what is right, wrong, helpful, and meaningful. 

Another supporting claim to helping your child become the best they can be through YOU, is that you are raising a future leader to set forth into the world. What do you want to release? We would hope that you would want your child to be helpful to others, and give back in more ways than you could. Teaching them about different causes, organizations, and nonprofits, can really give them a passion for something that could change the lives of so many. Affecting the lives of people who need extra assistance or help getting basic necessities can change the course of that person's life, all because your child showed up and lent a hand. 

In closing, parents, we know it is not easy. We all make mistakes and sometimes let things slip that our children were not meant to hear, however it’s the other steps that really matter. Being that healthy buffer and beacon of knowledge for what is right, good, and prospering is the most important. We also wanted to let you know that we have a lot of great places you can get plugged in and share your volunteer experiences with the whole family! Find out how on our website!